Trains of Thought
Cultural Theories of Speed and Solidarity

Recent Publications:

[forthcoming]: Hibbeln, Marcus. "Muslims in Oregon." Encyclopedia entry for the Oregon Encylopedia:

*find a longer version of the research:*

Hibbeln, Marcus. "Escapist Freedom: The Anthropocene, Escape theory, and the Persistence of Non-Freedom," Power and Democracy, 3(1), 31 October 2021: p. 42–58.

Hibbeln, Marcus. "The Commander of Who? Colonialism, Control, and Contradiction in Morocco's Brand of Regional Islam," Khabar Keslan Magazine, 4 September 2021:

Hibbeln, Marcus. From Seeds to Subjects: the London Missionary Society, Religious Education for Africans, and the Settler State of Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1923. Reed College Undergraduate Thesis 

*research funded with gratitude by Reed College's Undergraduate Initiative Grant*


Hibbeln, Marcus. “В ПОИСКАХ ТИПИЧНОГО РУССКОГО”, Business Class Newspaper, 17 June 2018.

*read the English original of a travelogue across Siberia in midwinter:*

Talks, Conferences, and Lectures:

[forthcoming] Hibbeln, Marcus. "The Curious Case of Escapist Freedom: Strivings for Emancipation in Political-Aesthetic Resistance to Neoliberalism," SOAS Centre for Cultural, Literary, and Postcolonial Studies: fall 2022.

Hibbeln, Marcus. "From Seeds to Subjects: The London Missionary Society, Religious Education for Africans, and the Civilizing Process in Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1923," presented at the University of Greenwich’s 13th annual Conference on Inclusion and Exclusion in Victorian Popular Culture, 14-16 July 2021.

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